Best Long Distance Move: Important Tips

Committing to a long-distance move is no easy task; it requires a lot of planning, organization, and effort. In fact, moving long-distance is perhaps one of the most stressful things you’ll do in your life!

What does that mean for you?

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It means that you have to be prepared. And that’s exactly what we’re going to help you with today! This article will cover all the tips and tricks you need to know when planning your long-distance move.

So, if you want your moving process to be as seamless as possible, keep reading!

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Tips for Your Best Out of State Moving

Like I said; when it comes to long-distance moving, you must put all of your efforts into planning and preparing. This is because the better you plan, the more control you’ll have over your situation, which means that you can personally ensure that nothing goes wrong.

Planning Tips

  1. Make a checklist

If you’re moving a thousand miles away, there are going to be a million little things that you will have to be done with before the big day arrives. And if you want the shifting process to go without any problems, then you will have to do all these things to the best of your capabilities.

However, it is humanly impossible to remember everything you’re supposed to do on the top of your head! Therefore, you must make a checklist so that you have an overview of everything that you are supposed to do. Many to-do apps will help you do this. The ultimate purpose is to have access to a log of all the work that needs to be done before you embark on your journey.

This checklist by Updater is lovely, and it breaks down the things you need to do in each phase of your moving process. You can use it as it, but it would be better to use that as a template and create your own on an app like Google Keep or Evernote.

  1. Declutter to pack less

When you’re doing a long distance transport, you need to understand that less is more. By that, I mean that the less stuff you have to carry, the easier it will be to make a move without any issues.

I get it – moving from one place to another is emotionally exhaustive. There are probably a lot of things around you that you want to keep with you, just for the sake of their sentimental value. However, if you were to take everything with you to the new place, it would just make your journey more difficult, and no ONE wants that!

So, the first thing you need to do is objectively analyze the situation. Are there any things lying around the place that you could do without? If yes, it’s time to say goodbye. I know it can be hard, but a fresh start is worth it.

  1. Set your budget

The process before moving, the moving itself, as well as the process of settling down once the move is complete can be pretty hard on the pockets. Besides, when you’re really absorbed in doing things as efficiently as possible, it can be quite easy to go over your financial limits.

An excellent way to avoid this from happening is to set a budget beforehand and do everything else accordingly. Remember that your budget will have to include the cost of every little thing: from the packing materials right down to the cost of conveyance. If you’re super-finicky about managing your money you can even use an app to help you avoid overspending!

  1. Hire professional movers

The last important thing you need to do before you get on with your moving process is to find the right professional movers. Although that sounds simple, it’s not! It involves you reaching out to as many movers as you can in your vicinity, getting quotes, and finding out which one is the best for you.

An important tip when it comes to hiring professional movers is that you must talk to them as much as possible. Discuss each and every aspect of your situation, ask them to give you a set quote based on that, and inquire about their process. You need to find professional movers that are transparent with their work so that you can make an informed choice!

Packing Tips

  1. Use good quality boxes

If there’s one thing that can make your long-distance moving process an absolute nuisance, it is inadequate packing. Therefore you, have to pay extra attention to how you’re packing things.

It’s the easiest thing in the world to pick a handful of boxes at the grocery store and stuff everything you own in them, but if they come apart during the actual moving, it is going to be a nightmare for you.

My advice; invest in good packaging! Research online on what types of packaging would be the best for your items, and where to get them. Often, professional movers also provide the suitable packaging, so you can always ask them to do that or for a little bit of guidance on the matter.

  1. Color-code your boxes

Settling down in a new place can be chaotic. Most of the time, unpacking is way more tiresome than packing, and it’s because people don’t know what goes where. The fool-proof method of avoiding that situation is to color-code your boxes.

For example all items from the sitting room go into the boxes with pink lettering, whereas everything from the bedroom goes into the boxes with blue lettering. Sorting your boxes out like this will make it easier to unpack because you will know where the contents of a box go before opening it. No clutter, no chaos – just you settling in your place as comfortably as possible.

  1. Take pictures of your boxed content

Another thing that you can do to avoid the chaos of unpacking is to take pictures of your boxed contents before you get to move. This ensures that you know exactly what is there in each box, and don’t have to go through the hassle of opening boxes and surprising yourself.

You can take two pictures of each box: one from the out and one showing the inside. Make a folder on Google Drive, and save these photos on there. Then, when you move to the new place, you can access the folder and use it as guidance to check which items go where.

This may seem like going the extra mile – but trust me, the more effort you put in the initial phase of moving when your energy and spirits are high, the less you have to worry towards the end when you’re physically and mentally drained from the exertion of moving.

Final Words

Moving to any place can be very hard, but it’s also a memorable and emotional journey that needs to be committed to in every sense of the word. By following the planning and packing tips listed in this article, you will be ensuring that you don’t compromise on the most critical decision of your life.

We hope that this article helps you make just the right start on your journey. Good luck with everything!